
Natural Wonder of Healing; Health and Happiness

The simple difference between illness and wellness: "And at the end of it, somebody said, "Hey, Swami, what’s the difference between wellness and illness?" And so he went up on the board and he wrote the word "illness," and circled the first letter, and then wrote the word "wellness," and circled the first two letters ... anything that creates a sense of connection and community and love is really healing. Then we can enjoy our lives more fully without getting sick in the process "

2019-09-30T11:31:31-07:00By |News|

Exploring the Link Between Music and Medicine

A compelling personal story of music and medicine, John Keats, the Romantic English poet, has a very famous quote, “Beauty is truth, and truth beauty. That is all ye know Earth and all ye need to know”. Keats took the words to heart; he gave up a career in medicine to pursue the beauty of poetry through his writing.

2019-09-30T11:31:17-07:00By |News|
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